Jenny Hoffmann

Work Experience

  • Digital finance consultant in Africa and Asia
  • CEO of MTN Banking in South Africa overseeing development, risk management, revising business plans and launch up to first year post launch
  • CEO of microfinance bank in South Africa for more than five years leading transition to fully regulated full service bank and overseeing introduction of branchless banking strategy with POS and agents
  • Independent consultancy experience in Asia, South East Asia and Sub Saharan Africa evaluating opportunities and designing business strategies and business plans for branchless banking and mobile banking businesses, report writing. Clients include banks, microfinance banks and technology companies
  • Analysis of mobile banking landscape in Vietnam, Cambodia, Nigeria, Thailand, Sri Lanka to identify business models and opportunities for investment
  • Evaluating business models for mobile banking investment in Africa and Asia
  • Evaluation and design of regulations for branchless banking and mobile banking in South Africa and as component of business evaluations in countries in Africa and Asia.
  • Experience of microfinance as part of executive team of NGO MFI, government-owned financial apex institution (Khula Enterprise Finance), savings trust

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  • MBA
  • Chartered accountant (Retired)
  • BSc in ICT, computing and psychology
  • MSc HCID